Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bittersweet anniversary.

November 2, 2006 was Cora's half birthday.  She would have been a whole 6 months old.  Now, looking back on it 2 babies later, I can identify the things she should have been doing at the time.  On that day, however, I had no idea.  I really didn't know what a baby's developmental milestones at 6 months should be.  It was a hard day, because I knew I had missed out on so much.

But it was a sweet day too.  That day I had my first ultrasound with Erin.  I entered my OB's office in a near panic.  I had to struggle to maintain even breathing.  It was the first ultrasound I had since that last one with Cora.  That last one where the doctor said there was no heartbeat. And I was so terrified that they would tell me that there was no heartbeat again.

Walking into that office, I was so sure that all I would ever have is bad news.  I couldn't honestly believe I'd ever bring a baby home.

But we did see a heart beat and for the first time since Cora died I truly felt hope.  I was terrified until the moment Erin was born, of course, but that day I felt hope.

I am so grateful for the hope my rainbows brought back to my life, and for my Cora who taught me to appreciate it.


  1. What an amazing story of hope <3

  2. I can relate to so many of these feelings. I am glad that your rainbows brought you hope.
