Thursday, November 12, 2009

Cora's scrapbook

So, I started scrapbooking when I was 13 years old and Pebbles in my Pocket opened in Orem, UT.  So I've been scrapping for half my life now.  I love to scrapbook.  So you can imagine how very excited I was when I got pregnant.  I started buying baby papers and embellishments right away.  I got baby scrapbook supplies from my mother and my sister for Christmas.

I hate that it's so thin.  The only reason it's as thick as it is is because I put all the cards we received in the book. It's good to look back on how very loved we are and how much support we had.  It's good to remember how many people were awaiting Cora's arrival too.  While most of them have moved on and probably don't have her shadow in every thought, it's beautiful to go back and see how loved she was.

But I do get to scrap things for her every once and a while.  She has a birthday page for every one of her 3 birthdays so far.  Actually, she got two this year because I made a layout for what we did as a family (naming a star in her honor, and family portraits on her birthday with the star puppy wearing her name bracelet), my friend Aubrey and her family went to Jenny Lake to take Cora flowers for me.  I can't express how much it means to me that they would do that.

Anyway, I just wanted to share the latest page for Cora's scrapbook.